·       Open dialogues about media literacy and factual information can create conflict; why does this happen?

media literacy is an art how how to present information to the audience thru media, this does not mean that the information should be factual or prioritied in truth seeking since its priorities are in how to present them for you to get the desired effect on the audience.

Since the goal of media literacy is to best express the information you want the audience to hear to gain the desired influence toward them, it all depends on what you want your channell to be like, for exmaple, if it is a business oriented channel rather than an educational one, you want to give the critical public audience what they want to see rather than what they need to see. Just like how in the video, Julie Smith has mentioned that if you want to gain support and popularity, you would post cat hating post if 90 percent of all of your followers are pro dog. This is to gain thier support and to think that you are in stance with them. However, If it is an educational based channel you do want to give your followers what they need, you want to be objective in terms of finding facts and what you present, since you do not want to mislead people in terms of what information they approach. Therefore, different channels have different ways to opt for fully media literacy potential, some include manipulating the content for their audience, and this will mean that the content doesn’t have to be factual, therefore sometimes factual information and media literacy can create conflict.

·       What is the benefit of having a PLN that values media literacy?

You would know how to best present yourself to the broad audience to best gain things out of the media (PLN) you create, Audiences are able to follow what they were presented with a clear idea without getting lost or have to pay extra attention to figure out informations that were presented to them in a confusing way.