How diverse is your PLN?

My PLN is not so diverse, it contains my local friend groups and few discussion hobby groups, I do not have really far connections with any professional people that I can help with. I am looking to expand my social media and thus to gain more followers and friend thru different account so I can estblish a variety of relationships, I will also try different apps to set up my PLN and this way I can gain more resources.

What is a learning outcome of your PLN and how are you insuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

My PLN is to ensure that i gain knolwedge and experiance from different groups of people, to have an insight of how they will do things and try to take what they do that will in turn benefit me and learn from it. The exposure to diversity and inlusion must be set up that i need to obey a few rules, first is to reach out to different topics that will allow me to learn inclusion well. Second is when setting up the PLN, expect diversities and do not set up a default expected type that I should learn from, in other word, do not set up a bar for people to expect them to be a certain identity or believe a ceratin value, instead, try to know about their values with and understand more about their backgrounds.