I feel like when personal learning network is useful is that you are able to expand your own learning space virtually connecting with the people that are around you are able to get the people you think is suitable for your learning progress as part of your learning circle. It is a great way to build learning identity in online social circle and your learning identity thru it because you are building a page and connecting circles with people you choose to form and they also know your identity thru your process of trying to learn. obviously with the act of trying to reach out to the outside world with the social identity you would also come to encounter issues on areas about potentially exposing your privacy to others. However in some content that you want to share, or i would say have to share in terms of trying to learn or build relationships, you have to face the risk of letting your information out for others and thus losing your privacy. Therefore, as you are involved in more connections and communities, the chances of exposing your privacy is also higher, it is important to know what to do when you are setting yourself up to emerge as part of the community group, to know when to do the right thing and what to do in order to protect yourself from your privacy being leaked out while you are building relationships from outside. As we are building up our own PLNs we are mostly using personal approaches, and that approach is going to be not so rigorous compared to the professional ones, and that it is definitely going to be somewhere flaws and thus we should be careful when we are building relationships in what we put on it. I’ve personally not really shared anything that are reflectable of my information, it is mostly works from school. However in some post I have done is that I shared thoughts about my personal experience in which I don’t think it is too much of a privacy problem in doing so.