What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive PLN in social media sharing that understands where you are coming from with messaging that impacts the community?

An influential inclusive PLN can definitely bring people together. If it is a big PLN with a lot of subscribers, it will have minority viewers, this will make the viewers feel more welcomed seeing that their distinct group of a minority status is featured and given respect in the community. Seeing it gave them a feeling of being recognized and included. While since it is a big learning network it will have a lot of prestige among the people that follows it, therefore other people that sees the minority group being featured there will also think that they are included in the big community and will be thus raised with the awareness that this community is an inclusive community that embraces all sort of people with different background and origins. Therefore overall I would say it promotes social inclusiveness for different minority groups when you have a highly followed and recognized PLN network that is spreading inclusivity around. After people viewed post that features different groups it will be in their subconscious mind that the communities also cares about these groups and they are just like the majority group being viewed as a norm without having to face any extra judgment, it leads to one message – the community we live in is an inclusive community.