• Explore the video provided and reflect on the themes of a PLN in a professional capacity.

PLN for alot of people really carries out their personal perspective in thier own ways to reach out in the learning society. Take Brad Baker for exmaple, he was able to create his own PLN and merge it with his own intent of professional approach in the teaching that he does. This apporach is based on his own circumstances that benefits him and the desire he wants to make thru his educational goals. He was able to surround himself with communities that is healthy for him to orchastrate his learning in helping indigenous people learn, which has been greate for him as a indigenous communities that has been born in a family where his dad went to residential school and thus grew up with the values of raising indigenous voices to be heard thru education.

  • Consider which social media platforms are beneficial in education, and ask yourself how you would add social media teaching to an industry you’re interested in – expand your thoughts in your blog.

Social media is a great way for people to share their thoughs and values with each other, it is great that people are able to not only learn directly from themselves but also interact and make learning progress more feasible togeather with thier colleagues. Teaching industry could definitely make use of the strong interactivity social media has provided with and make interactive task. For example student writing thier assignment in an open assessible social media platorm and people have to comment, which is what this course is doing. And also student can engage in social media interactivity togeather for example exchange one useful resource related to learning they’ve found with another student and co share their thought on social media about it. That beind said, same activity can also be done in thier reflectivity of doing thier assignment.

  • When working with the vulnerable sector, how does social media fit into professionalism and regulations? Consider education, healthcare, and messaging to minor children via social media/gaming. 

One thing that stands out is that socal media is what we can choose to customize based on our own working preference, For example, If i choose to work in a health care sector I will make my page approporiately so that it follows the rules of health care workers, and I will get surroundings with the similar results possible subscribing to similar thread for better resources. And if i do happen to be in a educational setting, I would choose to oriente my social media that way. For minor childern they have to be aware that social medias are connected and very reachable, if they expose themselves too much without much of professional caution, their identity is not going to safe online. It is important that when we use soical media we oriente our personal identity hidden, sometimes in working sections we tend to follow the rules and keep our identities as only professional workers, however, in gaming setting, we can potentially expose our own iderntity, so people need to especially be careful with that if you are a minor.